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Ligonier Valley Rail Road Association
 3032 Idlewild Hill Lane
Ligonier, PA 15658


  • Darlington Station
Darlington Station1 2 3 4 5 6

Ligonier Valley RR Association Memberships

If you share our goals of preserving the legacy of the Ligonier Valley Rail Road, conserving the vestiges, collecting and preserving relics and memorabilia and educating the public about the history of railroading in the Ligonier Valley, you can help and become involved by joining and becoming a "Friend of the Ligonier Valley Rail Road". Memberships are for a 1 year period.

Memberships are:
$20 Individual Senior Membership
$25 for Individual
$35 for Family
$50 for Sustaining
$100 for Contributing
$200 or more for Patron Membership Benefits

Members at all levels will receive a membership card, our Quarterly newsletter the Liggie, free admission to the Museum and a 10% discount on all items that we have for sale.

You can view a membership form here , print it, and send it to us along with a check for the membership level you prefer. Memberships are tax-deductible. You can also join now by selecting a Membership Level below and Clicking on "Buy Now" to Join "Friends of the Ligonier Valley Rail Road"

Choose Membership Level

Copyright © 2025 Ligonier Valley Rail Road Association. All rights reserved.